Saturday, March 5

Card of Thanks

To Alex and Chris Clarke, who not only are two of the funniest and wittiest commenters in the rarefied atmosphere of Professor Bérubé's joint, a place so heady that there are sometimes sixty or seventy comments and mine are the only sophomoric ones, but who both write blogs so funny I sometimes get up and walk to the kitchen for a glass of milk just so it can come out my nose.

UPDATE: Savvy reader J.T. suggests filling a pint sprayer bottle with coffee and simply spritzing the monitor or keyboard, which I'm going to save for good but lesser talents. I'm a man who likes to pay his bills in full.

1 comment:

  1. If I can make just one grizzled old prospector expel milk this weekend, well... that's why I got into this business in the first place.

    Thanks for reminding me of my roots, Mr. Riley. Sometimes the fast women and loose cars make you lose sight of the important things.
