Friday, March 4

George W. Bush's Gettysburg Address

A score of years ago--forty years ago, it's forty, I know that--Americans gave the world democracy. And because of that we're free. The world knows that. And equal. No matter who you are in America, you're an equal American. [Applause]

And now we're in a war. And this war is a lot like a test you have to take. It'd be a test for anybody, a test of their leadership. I'm a war leader, and I know it's hard. You have to endure. But we're going to see it through because, see, in a democracy that's what you do. See through things. And I'm going to do that. It's the right thing to do.

So here we are on this great battlefield. It's great to be here. Good to see my friend Ed Horton--Ed Norton Everett. That was some speech, Ed. What was that, four hours? [Laughter] But that's what we're about as Americans, and that's why we're here. We've come here. I've come here. Because we need to make sense of it. People need sense. And that's just what we're here to do. With your help. [Applause]

Now, I don't think many people are going to remember this. Some might. It's really all about the work that needs to be done in front of us. Americans need work. And that's what we've accomplished, and we've left to be accomplished, because we're a devoted people. And that devotion can not be in--our love is not in vain. Because we love Freedom, the world loves Freedom. And the executive has to make the laws that give birth to that freedom. Or else government of the people, by the people--people who need people everywhere just need be free. [Applause]


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM EST

    Good job, DR, but I think it might be a little too coherent to really be W's words.

    Nice blog!

  2. Thanks, Yosef. I'm hanging your comment on the wall, right next to my first dollar.

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM EST


  4. Anonymous3:24 PM EST

    I understand he wrote this on the paper of some Zigzag cigarette papers.

  5. Anonymous3:35 PM EST

    That should be "the back of some Zigzag cigarettes papers." Sorry, I'm exhausted from reading so much of S.Z.'s prodigious output today.

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM EST

    Good old Riley, yuk, yuk, yuk, you talk too much Riley...

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM EST

    Seriously, good luck and hurray for Riley! Looking forward to reading much much more.

  8. Anonymous6:16 AM EST

    I've been reading Bush parodies for a disturbing number of years (Honey, is it over yet??). You get a Prize (something in Cubic Zirconium, I think). I really was not sure if this was real or memorex. And that, my friends, is a truly disturbing thing.

  9. Anonymous12:04 PM EST

    And I bet he had Powerpoint running in the background, too.

  10. I'm with Suzan. It would be funny but it is suprizingly real. Or Sean Hanitty or any of the "glittering generalities" bunch out there today.
