Monday, June 27

Happy Birthday

Helen Adams Keller, June 27, 1880-June 1, 1968

Absent from the spunky-girl-overcomes-tremendous-disabilities movie and the feel-good memorials is the real Helen Keller: socialist, suffragist, pacifist, supporter of birth control, the Wobblies, and the NAACP, co-founder of the ACLU. Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, back when that meant something.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM EDT

    Yeah, it's almost surprising they teach kids about her, she being a dirty hippie socialist and all. Of course they don't mention anything in schools after she learns to sign...

  2. Excellent post. Thanks for this.

  3. Thanks for remembering her.

  4. Anonymous2:13 AM EDT

    Yes, thanks. And thanks for remembering *all* of her, too. Not just the approved pap.

  5. Anonymous1:03 AM EDT

    You know, I actually didn't learn much about Helen Keller in school. In fact, as I recall, the main stuff about her was from a chapter of A People's History of The United States which focused on socialism in Helen Keller's time.

    I guess it goes without saying that I went to a private school.
