Tuesday, July 19

Meditation On Finding That Pictures of Adults Twisting or Frugging Are Now the Comically Anachronistic Photo Choice of Greeting Card Manufacturers

Okay, this is still a little before my time--I was barely in grade school when Chubby Checker hit the Big Time--but still it occurred to me:

A man my age should either dispense wisdom or candy.

Anybody want some candy?


  1. Anonymous2:19 PM EDT

    Depends. What kind you got?

  2. Ah, those little Dove chocolate bites, the only domestic chocolate worth eating. Milk or dark?

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM EDT

    Oh, Chris! I've been to Recchiuti, too! What's your favorite? I loooove the Spring Jasmine Tea. Yes, they are pricey. Yes, they are foofy. But I love those chocolates so!

    However, Doghouse, I wouldn't turn down a Dove chocolate in a million years. Make mine a dark!

  4. Pepper, first you gotta get in the car. And Chris, remark withdrawn pending receipt of free samples. But remember, out here in the Middle West we spend our days toiling under the hot sun, fighting savages, and lugging the trash to the curb, and we ain't got the time to decorate our grub before we eat it.

    And if I gotta pay through the nose I'm buying Lindt, although my guilty pleasure is Freia melkesjokolade from Norway (owned by Kraft, but still...)

  5. Anonymous8:26 AM EDT

    i'm more of a hard candy guy myself ... love those starburst peppermints ... but thanks for the offer, doghouse ... i appreciate it ... it's very polite of you to offer extras to those here ... and i assume the wisdom you have is posted in your blog.

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM EDT

    at first, i though you were talking about porn.

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM EDT

    What, no beads?

    I used to like Starlite Mints, but after years of hotel maiding, even the smell makes me sick.
    In any event, if you've tried neither Fran's nor Godiva, you have no idea what you're missing.
