Thursday, August 25

Happy Birthday

Elvis Costello (Declan MacManus) born August 25, 1954

I bought My Aim Is True on the first day of release after driving all over town to find a copy. I don't remember, now, what had tipped me off to it.

Five bars in ("Now that your picture's in the paper/ being rhythmically admired...") and I'd seen the future of rock and roll, and, without knowing it, the beginning of a run of the four greatest pop albums ever to be completely ignored by local radio, although I did hear Linda Ronstadt's cover of "Allison" once, which caused me to drive over a curb and tear out the oil pan plug. To be fair, "Freebird" and "Stairway to Heaven" do take up a lot of time, especially when that's all you play. I wish now I'd saved the two dismissive sentences the guy in the Star wrote about him.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM EDT

    I'm sure it makes me a philistine, but dammit, he's the only Elvis for me.

    Clambake, feh.

    (Well, okay, there's that detective guy in the Robert Crais books, but that's sort of a different thing altogether.)

  2. That makes you a Philistine? I've been telling people for 25 years "There's only one Elvis, and he's still alive."

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM EDT

    I was lucky enough to live in the land of KROQ and Rodney on the ROQ in those days. We got lotsa Elvis Costello & other good stuff. Nothing like it since.

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM EDT

    Grammy nominees, Best New Artist, 1978:

    The Cars
    Elvis Costello
    Chris Rea

    and the winners - A Taste of Honey

    That's the day my world changed.

  5. Anonymous9:27 PM EDT

    indy radio -- love it or leave it!

  6. In honor of his birthday, I got too drunk last night at a karaoke bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and sang "Radio, Radio."

    Elvis lives.

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM EDT

    Love him! One of the best songwriters alive.

  8. I did consider singing the first line of "Less Than Zero" before cutting it abruptly off and apologizing, but that would've required a bit more cooperation than the dj was willing to provide.
