Friday, May 19


Woke up ten minutes ago. Everything drenched in sweat. I'd been asleep for about an hour, the longest stretch since yesterday afternoon. I don't quite feel the mental clarity that usually accompanies a fever break, and the thermometer's battery is dead and I have no idea where my wife put the real one. But I got out of bed okay--peeling off the cover wasn't like plunging into a tub of ice water--and I'm sitting down awright. I can bend over, sorta; it no longer feels like someone's just kicked me in the right nut, more like someone did that yesterday. I'm hungry. I'll probably stick with the surgery diet for awhile, just in case; diverticulosis can mimic appendicitis.

Cool Papa Bell's birthday reminded me of William Wallace's poem "Anthem", which you can download here (.pdf file) along with a key to the nicknames, although "Ducky" should be Joe "Ducky" Medwick, not Robert "Ducky" Detweiler if you ask me, and a section on the Negro leagues is certainly in order. Read in out loud, unless it hurts when you laugh, too. I'm going back to bed. If I wake up later I'll let you know.


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM EDT

    It was surgery for false appendicitis that revealed infection due to diver-t that led to colon resectioning that led to a loose blood clot causing a stroke that just pissed me off and got me working out and feeling better... but good luck in any case.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM EDT

    When appendicitis seems like a real possibility, I hit the ER. That's one of those I'm not waiting around on. So far, the twice I thought that was a risk, it's turned out to be equally unpleasant things, but I still have my appendix, or as I like to think of it, God's Greengrocer's Apostrophe.

    I hope you feel better soon, and in a way that doesn't mean heavy copays or out of pockets. Nothing like a big bill to make feeling like shit even more fun.

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM EDT

    Please take care of yourself, DR. Our sanity demands it!

  4. Anonymous7:50 PM EDT

    Man! I hope you avoid HeyDave's sequence and can just skip to the happy ending!

  5. Anonymous11:33 PM EDT

    OK, look - you read Noonan and you takes your chances.

    I'm sorry this happened but you brought it on yourself.

    Anyway, I have appendicitis a couple times a year. It ain't no thing - just take 2 bacon butterburgers and everything'll be better in the AM.


  6. Anonymous1:00 AM EDT

    Well, it's either diverticulosis, or you got a good going over from Eddie Mars' boys (well, one of 'em. Sidney's just company for Pete).

    But take care Reilly, and get better soon. Your fans are anxious, and Bill Frist has a weird gleam in his eye...

  7. What's with the surgery talk? That's scary stuff.

    Don't be self-diagnosing for too long. The hospitals are horror domes but they do have cool stuff like x-rays, labs and CAT scans that can be useful.

    Feel better.
