Wednesday, June 7

Cat, Amusing Picture of a

Larry's new favorite perch, which requires a jump of about five feet from the kitchen counter. He's obsessed with all things ceiling. His latest trick was turning on the Shop Vac in the basement, though judging from the condition of his fur immediately afterwards we expect that one won't be repeated anytime soon.


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM EDT

    That daring young cat on the flying trapeze!

  2. Had a Siamese once who used to do the same thing from the top of the bathroom sink to the top of the bathroom door. One day he got his paw stuck in the hinge of the door and really suffered. I could only get him out without hurting him further by banging the pins out of the hinges and then slipping the door out of the hinges. He didn't break anything, but he had to be badly bruised, poor thing.

    Loved that cat. Best friend I ever had. Haven't been able to have another pet since. Broke my heart to have him put to sleep, but I couldn't let him suffer in the end just to save me the sorrow of having to put out a contract on him. He's been gone six years and I miss him every day.

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM EDT

    dbk: Had a Siamese once who used to do the same thing from the top of the bathroom sink to the top of the bathroom door.

    i had a tabby who did the same...he's been gone for a bit over a year. i still miss him terribly.
