Thursday, May 10

Happy Birtthday

Maybelle Addington Carter
May 10, 1909--October 23, 1978


  1. Anonymous11:03 PM EDT

    I don't remember the priest telling me when I went to Confession when I was a kid, "Well, Lance, it was wrong of you to disobey your mom and talk back to her like that, but since you set the table every night and do your homework and sent your aunt a birthday card, what the heck! You're a good kid. Your sins are forgiven automatically. No need for you to do any penance."糖尿病 糖尿病 心脑血管 文秘 糖尿病症状 糖尿病饮食 妊娠糖尿病 糖尿病预防 糖尿病治疗 糖尿病的预防 糖尿病的预防措施 糖尿病并发症 糖尿病足 糖尿病药物 低血糖 胰岛素 血糖仪 胰岛素泵 什么是糖尿病 并发症治疗 糖尿病急救 糖尿病中医治疗 糖尿病常识 糖尿病食谱 糖尿病的预防 糖尿病人饮食 糖尿病肾病 And maybe it's happened a few times and I haven't heard about it but I can't recall a judge ever letting somebody walk on the grounds the crook was a good guy and his friends really like him.
