Saturday, July 28

Happy Birthday

Philip Proctor
born July 28, 1940 (Goshen, Indiana)


  1. Anonymous3:16 PM EDT

    Meet him in the gymnausium at Commie Martyrs High!

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM EDT

    Judge Poop: If you don't answer the question, young man, I'm afraid we're going to have to gag you.

    Mudhead: What question?

    Judge Poop: Gag him.

    People's Commissioner Tirebiter: Who was that woman I saw you with last night?

    Mudhead: That was no woman; that was Bottles.

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM EDT

    All reet!

  4. Ran into Mr. Proctor @ the cleaners a few weeks (or was it maonths?) ago. His car (parked outside, not in the cleaners) had several Firesign-related stickers on it. I thought, "Oh, a fanboy," but it turned out to be Phil hisself. We conversed, & he said there is a possibility the "LeVaunce & The Smoker" shows he & Bergman used to do on the Pacifica station out here may be available to the public. If you haven't heard them, it's all Soul/R&B music announced by two totally wacky "Negro" types in a '60s stylee. Keep an eye/ear open for it, it's hee-larious!

  5. P. S. Is that birthdate right? He sure didn't look 67. (67!!//??!?!11?) Damn, I must be getting old too.

    Months, not maonths.
