Friday, August 10

(Even) Better Answers for Mitt Romney

10) They'd already put down a court deposit for summer-league basketball.

9) You know kids. If one goes, then they'll all have to go.

8) It's a religious thing. Historically, we Momons do not fight. We ambush.

7) They're gay.

6) Jeez, if one was wounded he'd wind up in a VA hospital.

5) C'mon. That's for losers.

4) We've considered this matter prayerfully, as a family, and decided to be hypocrites about it.

3) Hey, look! An adorable puppy!

2) Two words: pilonidal cyst.

1) I think the answer's obvious, isn't it?


  1. Anonymous5:42 AM EDT

    One more:
    Hey, we're obscenely wealthy, we don't fight in wars. That's what the peasants are for!

  2. i believe #3 should be "hey look, a puppy! i'm going to strap it to the top of my car!"

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM EDT

    If they were killed, that's 30 grieving widows.

  4. #8's the best. Mormons, the cult you love to hate.

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM EDT

    #5, and what Donna says!
