Friday, October 19

Professional Wordsmithing: A Guide To Being Teached By The Experts

It is true that 54% of the electorate is composed of women...

--Peggy Noonan


  1. It is only marginally less offensive that the ubiquitous "there are."

  2. Some say there are dolphin-loving columnists who like the hooch. She's a keeper.

  3. I also like the intellectual "studies say..."

  4. This woman came up with "a thousand points of light"? I guess when you work for Bushes the bar for being a speechwriting genius is pretty low.

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM EDT

    Magic Dolphin Lady makes the Baby Shakespeare cry. Hell, she makes the Baby McGonagall freakin' projectile vomit....

  6. Anonymous11:23 PM EDT

    You know what's sad? I'm a technical writer, and unless I had been incredibly bored, that sentence would have run under my radar. I do really have to stop drinking.

    How many more months do we have of Bush?

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM EDT

    Kinda like:

    How many more months of Bush do we have?

    Where's the vodka.

    Christ, I'm a mess.

  8. Anonymous3:35 PM EDT

    punkinsmom said...

    I also like the intellectual "studies say...

    When one of my crowd uses the phrase "studies say", it is code to signal a freeform BS session is about to follow, i.e. "Watch while I see how far I can string this rube with fact-ish soundbites".

    Come to think of it, that's pretty much the same usage as is found in the mainstream media.
