Wednesday, December 12

Wow--Did The Icy Skeletal Hand Of Death Just Give You A Neck Massage, Too, Or Am I Imagining Things?


  1. Shouldn't that read Why he's winning?

  2. Anonymous10:47 PM EST

    Aren't these the same people who said "We're Winning!" about Iraq?

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM EST

    See the "Merry Christmas" in the corner? In other words, "Jews and others not allowed."

    Like when I was a kid, making up boundaries, cementing neighborhood tribal rivalries and swearing club oaths in our secret hideout. Then I grew up.

    You know, as for their Mittens panting, I hope they don't too excited too quickly and well, you know, get themselves all sticky before the real act is underway.

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM EST

    Only the National Review would hire editors and graphic designers who don't know the difference between the symbol for measuring in feet and an apostrophe. And we should trust their judgment on anything else?
