Friday, March 7

Your Moment Of Schiavo.

NO. Really.

I don't get around much, and I'm used to the cool kids not letting me in on their plans, and I've been scrambling of late to get some things done before there's a horrible mixup during knee surgery and I wind up with a baboon heart. Plus there's nothing on this earth that could make me a Kos reader, so just in case everybody's already talked this to death I'm sorry, but via brave Indiana blogger Doug Masson I find I'm a couple days late for this:

Yes, the Clinton campaign has turned Barack Obama into a black man! Because, I guess, a considerable number of people who vote in Democratic primaries were unaware of the fact.

The unspeakable, worse-than-Hitler, Mussolini, and Jonah Goldberg-combined racism of every Democrat who does not support Barack Obama--and, frankly, we're beginning to suspect that mere support is not enough--was proven shortly afterwards when The Kos himself floated to earth bearing an email with the professional testimony from a guy who works as a copywriter. No, really.

Enough's enough. The Democratic party has borne the brunt of overt racism in this country from  before your grandparents were old enough to vote, and it explicitly created a forty-year-and-still-ongoing electoral hole for itself by doing what was right on race, rather than what was politically expedient. Are you simply too stupid to realize the import of your suggestion here, or are you all just really high? It's a goddam motherfucking insult to people whose shoelaces you aren't fit to tie, to people who marched and bled and died to fight domestic terrorism because it was right to do so, not because it gave them a feeling of superiority to buttress empty little lives.  They struggled, for decades, not one election season, in places where the simple fact of their pigmentation would have led Barack Obama's parents to find shallow graves. This is the part of the legacy of the 20th century Democratic party that used to make it something one could be proud to belong to.


  1. Your moment of zen. Thanks for posting this, dog.


  2. Anonymous12:26 AM EST

    Dear Doghouse, as you said on Doug's comments, what would be the POINT of darkening (not to mention widening(??) ) the candidate's face?

    I think in this particular abysmally ignorant and insulting accusation we see - among other things - the result of a couple of generations'-worth of people coming up thru school systems that had to cut back social studies and history curricula starting way back in the 70s.

    Li'l Innocent

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM EST

    Fortunately, Barack Obama has risen above playing the race card.

    Except when he needs it, of course.

  4. This is all down to that nice Mr. Axelrod, I think. Obama just wants to be president. His campaign manager wants to punish Hillary for not hiring him to run her campaign like she did the last two.

    He told the Times at the start of the race that he, reluctantly of course, was going to have to destroy her to overcome his own candidate's disadvantages. I'm sure sending a lesson to politicians who choose other strategists is just regrettable collateral damage.

  5. Anonymous2:52 PM EDT

    Never mind making him look black, I'm deeply angered by the Clinton campaign exploiting America's long-standing hatred of the wide-headed.

  6. Anonymous7:00 PM EDT

    As a 36-year voting dem, I'm proud that in 2008 I can despise BOTH O'Bummer and Hellary without concern about (a) racism, (b) sexism, or (c) whatever their pathetic, clueless supporters think--the completely empty rhetoric that passes through one's entrails like a phenolphthalein cocktail.

    Time to dump the dupes and losers!

  7. Anonymous12:31 PM EDT

    Could i just be the frist to say I'd never vote for an ancient PTS fart or an old dried-up babyboomer hag, but I'm all about the young spade dude?

  8. Shorter D.H. Riley:
    I am scandalized that the current crop of snot-nosed politicians would engage in petty politicing during an election year. That's not how they did things back in my day...

    You're losing me, Mr. Riley. I can understand your frustration. Really, I can. I can't quite understand why you feel called to carry out some bizzare grudge against BHO.

    BHO confesses (when pressed) to being impressed with Regan's political kung fu and you pitch a fit. HRC sings the praises of the current Republican nominee and you bat not an eye.

  9. Hillary is appealing in many ways to the conservatives, racists and disaffected republicans, and not just by making Obama look 'blacker'. She says (several times) that McCain would be a better Pres. than Obama. Mr.Clinton was interviewed on the Limbaugh show. They're sucking up to neocons.

  10. As the campaign wears on I've come to prefer Hillary to Barack. I never thought I'd see that day. I still don't like either one, too much. They're both heavily invested in the status quo. Change? Oh please. U.S. Senators are not engineers of change. I wouldn't care one way or another except that if the Republicans win in November we will lose the Supreme Court forever. That is not an acceptable outcome to me. Maybe after the 500th vote at the Dem's convention in Denver, the candidates will spontaneously decide to nominate Al Gore. I could live with that.
