Thursday, May 22

One More Thing, Senator McCain.

SUPPOSING that public opinion led by a skeptical Press did "lose" us the Vietnam War, just what do you propose to do about it?


  1. Ya, because you'd think that Bush's history as a cheerleader would have eminently fitted him to combat this problem already. What on earth does john mccain bring to the table on changing public opinion?


  2. [J]ust what do you propose to do about it?

    So far it's been enough to fool some of the people all of the time. I'm guessing McCain sticks with that.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM EDT

    Fill the airwaves with Pentagon-run GOP operatives? Pay some columnists and pundits to write feel-good stories about The War and Our Troops? Give media access only to friendly reporters and warbloggers? Use warbloggers to disseminate misinformation? Require that all western journalists covering Iraq do so while embedded with coalition troops? Launch a few accidental missile strikes at media outlets that refuse to play? Jail a reporter or two without charges as a lesson to the others? Accuse skeptics of treason?

    Perhaps the question ought to be, what else does he propose to do?

    Keep the corporate media on his team as payback for the favors he did their parent companies while in the Senate?

  4. 100 years in Vietnam would be fine with him.


  5. Anonymous10:07 PM EDT

    just what do you propose to do about it?

    Um...appoint himself President AND Chancellor and declare Gleichschaltung?

  6. 100 years in Vietnam would be fine with him.

    That's what I was going to note - he's already said his approach is stay there until the native folks lurves them some US of A, which is 4 of 5 generations in McCainCalc.
