Thursday, May 15

Sucks, Dunnit?

Sandra Day O'Connor, demanding the Senate take action 
to speed Alzheimer's research and help caregivers.

NOBODY has to tell us how devastating dementia is. Nobody has to tell us what caregivers go through. We're lucky enough that there's enough money for mom to live comfortably, receive professional care, and be kept active. We're lucky they were reasonable about it when she took to stuffing washcloths in drains and flooding the place. We bear up. Like you do. Nobody has to tell us the value of anyone with a public forum bringing attention to dementia (and not just Alzheimer's).

What someone might explain to me is what, exactly, Sandra Day O'Connor imagined was going to happen to millions of Americans with all sorts of desperate, life-altering needs which are best addressed by governmental action when she voted to disenfranchise voters in Florida and install a Republican troika in Washington. A new era of compassionate conservatism?


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM EDT

    I have the same thought about the teachers and public employees (honestly, I know some of these folks) who voted for MMM because they thought he was folksy in his flannel shirt and RV.

    Such people get the kind of government they deserve. Unfortunately, the rest of us are stuck with that, too.

  2. My Poor Wife reported there were teachers in her school publicly regretting their votes for the Munchkinator just three weeks later, and that when she asked how they came to have voted against their every interest in the first place was told they thought it was "time for a change."

  3. "My wife threw away stare decisis and the rule of law and all I got was an administration which privileges bumper sticker politics and thuggery over a more perfect union, justice, domestic tranquility, the common defense, the general welfare, and the blessings of liberty because they can"

    Justice Sandy is going to have a bodyguard to conjure with in a very, very cold ring of hell one of these days.

  4. Yeah, I got your legacy, Sandra my sweetie. I got it right here.

  5. Well we didn't know he was going to be that big of an asshole!

  6. With the SCOTUS dominated by Catholic men, there won't be any more human decisions for a looong time...

  7. Justice O'Connor was always a partisan lightweight in a position way over her head. She may have saved Roe vs. Wade a few times, but you know what? My life is not determined by Roe vs. Wade. She sold the rest of us down the creek and did so with a smile on her fucking face.

    Do I sound bitter? I hope not. I've been seeing a therapist named Bombay and I think the progress is remarkable. I'm only angry for an hour or so, and then, God bless us simple folk, I let it go and turn on the television.

  8. Gee and I thought that Republicans like Sandra Day "you need to loosen up Sandy baby, O'Connor didn't want the government to help them.

    Did she think that she was going to get that help from the Gang of Evil she put into power?

    No, Houston my dear, you don't live and die by Roe, but a lot of women will. Sandy was only marginally helpful in that regard, but over all she was no big friend to women when it gets down to it. She didn't change Roe's bad reasoning to an equal protection decision and she sure as shit could have.

  9. No, Houston my dear, you don't live and die by Roe, but a lot of women will.

    Man, I thought my first impulse there was too bitter to air. Guess not. Houston, I'm one of 'em who did. There's more to life than Roe, I know, and you won't catch me defending O'Connor, but your phrasing hits some exposed nerves...

  10. Anonymous4:12 PM EDT

    Exluding Nancy Reagan, who apparently was mummified in 1985, why do all aged Republican women look like Barbara Bush Senior? Is the Republican gene pool that small?

  11. Hey, Day-o, you know what might help people with Alzheimer's? Stem cell research. Too had it makes Jesus weep, and he told his friend George to forbid it.
