Sunday, November 8

Because The Light's Better Over Here

Little Evidence Of Terror Plot In Base Killings

WASHINGTON — After two days of inquiry into the mass shooting at Fort Hood, investigators have tentatively concluded that it was not part of a terrorist plot.

S'FUNNY, but there's ample evidence to suggest that Maj. Hassan was a highly-trained devotee of the shadowy global torture network known as Psychiatry, yet nobody's asking any questions about that.


  1. I'm sure the Scientologists will be all over it soon enough.

  2. I knew we, you and I, would come to this point sooner or later...

    As the husband of a psychiatrist (one who's more dedicated to her patients than to her own or my good), I can only say your blind spot regarding psychiatrists and their profession is rather cringe-worthy.

  3. Oh, heavens, you must know I don't mean to impugn all psychiatrists. Just the vast majority.

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM EST

    Weird. I was just thinking about the light being better over there last night. While searching for my wallet, which turned out to be not lost. Terror plots went undetected in the limited number of locations I searched.



  5. You know I've got little use for the mental health profession. And I never miss my appointment.
