Monday, December 7

Fun With Matrimony Vol. MCCCXXXI

THIRTY-three years ago today the sweetest and loveliest and funniest and most talented person I know decided to let me shack up with her, proving 1) you can be all those things and still suck at decision making, and 2) it probably didn't occur to her that three decades later I'd be describing it as shacking up just for a cheap laugh. That's twelve-thousand fifty-three days, and I'm sure she's regretted the decision at least once per. I, on the other hand, have regretted it about as much as Errol Flynn regretted being famous.

She makes me laugh, every day. I try to return the favor, although her laugh sounds a lot more strangled. She does the toughest job anyone can, and she does it whole-heartedly.

And she does it when anyone you know would chuck it and take the day off. Last Friday she had to have an outpatient medical procedure; she scheduled it for after school. I didn't know when she'd make it home, or how she'd be feeling, so I made her favorite soup and, it being the first day I got to play with the new mixer, I cranked out a couple loaves of potato bread.

She made it home in fairly good time, if a bit worse for wear, walked in the kitchen and told me something smelled good.

"Cock-a-leekie soup and fresh bread."

"What're you, tryin' to get laid?"

Happy thirty-third, darlin'. Just give me thirty-three more an' I'll let you change your mind.


  1. Damn, that was nice for an old curmudgeon.

  2. Bravo! And congratulations!

  3. Happy anniversary!

  4. "Cock-a-leekie soup and fresh bread."

    "What're you, tryin' to get laid?"

    Here's hoping it worked. And congratulations.

  5. My God -- you have a heart. Funny thing, I feel the same way about mine.

  6. Anonymous3:35 PM EST

    What theHack (and you) said -- I am so lucky.



  7. Congratulations, Doghouse! Come June 1, 2010, I'm gonna plagiarize your sentiment and present it to my wife on the occasion of our wedding anniversary #48.

  8. You two decided to "shack up" on Pearl Harbor Day? I guess it was auspicious.

  9. Congratulations doghouse and mrs. doghouse. What a lovely post. Who knew a sentence beginning with "cock-a-leekie" could end up making me cry?


  10. Awww, Reillys. Congratulations.

  11. Happy Aniversary, Mr. & Mrs. Doghouse!

    She probably agreed because she knew you'd just be running loose through the neighborhood, and she figured someone ought to keep an eye on you. Good teachers are responsible like that ;)

  12. Happy anniversary, you crazy kids...

  13. Awwww . . . that was beautiful.

  14. I'd never heard of that kind of soup, so I googled it, and it said it was a Scottish soup that dates to the 16th century.

    My gosh, your wife must be old.

    But it sounds like you have a winner....

  15. Mark Smeraldi7:10 PM EST

    Sentences beginning with cock-a leeky should always make you cry (or mist up, or at least dampen somewhat). Another great post, congratulations to both of you.

  16. StringonaStick10:42 PM EST

    That spoke both to the Scot and the old hubby in me. I hope mine's as happy with the situation in a few more years as yours is! Congratulations.

  17. Congratulations! Sweet homage to your spouse; we hit 35 years this past June, and it seems to have sped by so quickly...
    May you have more years of fun and wit!

  18. Marion in Savannah11:59 AM EST

    Congratulations, you two, and here's to the next 33 years.

  19. DocAmazing12:01 PM EST

    Felicidades y mazel tov.

  20. There's something in my eye...

  21. I echo the above; well done, sir. And well played.

  22. Sorry for the belated wishes, but congratulations to the Hoosier Sage and His Poor Wife. And thanks for settling a bet; my wife insisted 33 years is the potato bread anniversary, but I thought for sure it was gluten or Bakelite.
