Tuesday, November 6

In A Nutshell, Appropriately

JIM Shella, the Dean (Broder) of Indiana political reporters, asked last night about the prospects for the Donnelly-Mourdock race sez Donnelly's in the driver's seat, adding:
A race we thought was about Lugar Republicans turns out to be about another group: women.
So, congratulations, Sisters! You've proven to be of equal value to a storyline. At this rate, in another twenty or thirty years, who knows? Political reporters might actually begin asking questions that speak to your interests, instead of accidentally being on hand when one of your white male overlords accidentally steps on his dick. 


  1. Bwahahahaha!

    Well, Riley, my Mom is now officially in love with you. Sorry Mourdock won't be around for much longer, that guy seems like a comedy-material goldmine...

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM EST

    Who was the GOP spokesjerk a couple months ago who sneeringly said a Democratic candidate was "pandering" to women? Yeah, can't have our candidates pandering to the majority of voters.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM EST

    I quit watching IWIR once it became 4 Republicans and a Democrat as you once said.

  4. Thanks, Doghouse.

    And thanks to Thunder, too. I never retweet - heck, I barely tweet - but I retweeted that.

  5. Who was the GOP spokesjerk a couple months ago who sneeringly said a Democratic candidate was "pandering" to women?

    Ironic, indeed, since "pander" is another word for PIMP.

    ...late Middle English (as a noun): from Pandare, the name of a character in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde (see Pandarus ). The verb dates from the early 17th cent...

  6. It's good to know that there is *some* limit to the crap that people will accept. Good riddance to Mourdock, and to Akin too.

  7. hells littlest angel10:42 PM EST

    Today Indianans can proudly say that their state has become a little less horrible. Congratulations!
