Monday, March 18

Tales Of Newsroom Diversity

ACTUAL quote from actual human being Lisa Green concerning two convictions for rape where charges, let alone convictions, might not have obtained but for the posting of cellphone images:
But y'know in the end, a cautionary tale for teenagers and their parents: memorializing your every move and then sharing it with people on the web can be a tragic mistake for everyone involved."
"A reminder tonight for parents and sexually-active teenagers: condoms do more than just protect against unwanted pregnancy." 

"But y'know in the end, a cautionary tale about choosing a study limb before tying someone to it."

"It can't be stressed enough: the modern garbage disposal is not powerful enough for human remains."

Hey, maybe we could get the two perps to make a PSA! "Don't rape. But if you do rape, don't spread pictures all around your school. I learned my lesson the hard way."

Jeez Louise, this follows CNN's Candy Crowley, Fredricka Whitfield, and Poppy Harlow all expressing sorrow at the damage to two promising football careers. Crowley:
You know, Paul, a 16-year-old now just sobbing in court, regardless of what big football players they are, still sound like 16 year olds. The other one, 17. A 16-year-old victim. 

The thing is, when you listen to it and you realize that they could stay until they're 21, they are going to get credit for time served. What's the lasting effect, though, on two young men being found guilty in juvenile court of rape, essentially?
Rape essentially. Not really rape. But rapey-ness. 

Oh, I'm sure none of them was condoning rape! Just explain to me how those words come out of someone's mouth. Green had hours to prepare for a one-minute segment supposedly discussing the "social media" angle, because that sorta thing is big with the coveted 18-25 demo. In fairness, much of that time must have gone into figuring how to avoid any suggestion that charges might not've been brought at all if it weren't for outside agitation; in the end they just had Lester announce it.

While we're at it: CNN repeatedly referred to the victim as "drunk" or "drunken", rather than the more accurate "out cold." The defense of Steubenville LE has conveniently omitted its complete disinterest in the illegal use, procurement, or provision of alcoholic beverages, as well as a goddam crowd's disinterest in the girl's parlous physical condition; threatened prosecution of either might have loosened some tongues. I was also amused by the recurring theme that Steubenville's "tough economic times" encouraged people to rally 'round the hopeful symbol of high school football. Y'know, they're riding out the downturn pretty well in Carmel, Indiana, which didn't seem to stop them from treating forceable sodomy by object on a basketball team bus as just a right of passage, and no one else's bidness. Essentially.


  1. R. Porrofatto12:51 PM EDT

    Rape essentially. Not really rape. But rapey-ness.

    Or pace Colbert, rapesque.

    On my local teevee nyoos, it was all very sad for the black young man, who was sentenced to less time for a lesser set of crimes then the other kid, who I'm assuming is also black, since that was the only shade of convicted kid they showed on this report, oddly enough, which I'm sure wasn't at all deliberate.

  2. They call the poor girl "drunken", leaving out that she was actually drugged within minutes of joining the party. Thats pre-meditated assault. The "boys" and everyone associated with that party-night should be in jail for at least a decade.

  3. Weird Dave9:34 PM EDT

    Remember how the asshole jocks in high school used to behave?

    They haven't changed.

    Remember how the asshole coaches, parents, and boosters of the jocks in high school used to behave?

    They haven't changed.

  4. D's Squirrel Food1:02 PM EDT

    They were essentially found guilty (because it was juvie court, they are found delinquent).

  5. Fred Fnord1:47 PM EDT

    > ...from actual human being Lisa Green...


  6. What Weird Dave said ... they've ALWAYS been this way. I'm 67, and they were this way back in the 50's and 60's. The only difference with this case is that it was broadcast while in progress.
    and WHAT were the parents allegedly in charge of the various households doing while this was occurring on their property? I am under the impression that they progressed through several separate parties. Where are the prosecutions, huh?
