Friday, April 12

The $100,000 Question

TOM Scocca reads that NAS Bowdoin vanity study so I don't have to:
A search of the report indicates that the National Association of Scholars included the words "sex" or "sexual" 244 times. "Western civilization" appears twice.
Also, no course in Spenser!  At great personal risk of an exploding aneurysm I am avoiding any Faerie Queene jokes, and will just ask if anyone would like to cover my bet that that Klingenstein guy couldn't pick Spenser out of a line-up that included Hulk Hogan, James Madison, and Dame May Whitty. 


  1. Poicephalus12:33 AM EDT

    Ha, probably thinks the cretin from Stratford wrote the canon.

  2. Come now, everybody knows that the canon was written by John of Fornsete. Six-part canon over a ground, itself a two-part canon. Quite radical for the 14th century.

    Oh, you were thinking of some *other* canon? In that case, I don't quite get it, but no matter.

    But the report's snide remarks about the SAT scores imply that Bowdoin does cooperate with the US Snooze evaluation of colleges. Look, Mr. Liberal College President, if you want to make the big time, tell USN to go fuck off. Good thing to do if you're looking for non-sheep who don't think a canned score is worth much. It didn't hurt the first college that did it; the Right hates it as much as ever.

  3. What's the big deal about Spencer?

    Jim was a terrific fielder, but not that much of a hitter:

    And who knew he was a Faerie who liked to dress in women's clothing?!?!

    "Spenser" with an "s?"
    Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever mind...

  4. Yo Doghouse,

    I wasn't one of the commentors griping about the new layout, but i have to say that the new Malkin pic isn't much nicer to look at than the Rhee was.

  5. Anonymous8:05 PM EDT

    I doubt Spenser ever dressed in drag, either...wouldn't go over so well in hard-boiled Boston where he did all his PI work...

  6. Weird Dave9:56 PM EDT

    Oh come on.

    What's the Faerie Queene joke?

    Oh, and nice bat.

  7. Bruce Partington5:33 AM EDT

    Well, you can't really expect jokes when there's a loose canon about...

  8. Quite honestly, the last time I viewed The Lady Vanishes, I kept getting Hulk Hogan confused with the Dame May Whitty character.
