Thursday, July 25

Fun With Monogamy, Vol. MMCDLXXXI

TELEVISION Blitherer: The baby's name will be George Alexander Louis. 

My Poor Wife: Damn! I was hoping for “Dakota”! 


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM EDT

    I was hoping for Joffrey.

  2. David Brooks was hoping for "Henry V."

  3. Gabriel Ratchet6:25 AM EDT

    Clearly they missed a golden opportunity by not calling it "Elvis".

  4. John Borrego9:37 AM EDT

    My choice was "Carlos Danger," but, alas, it was not to be.

  5. I was hoping for Prince.

  6. Cecil - that's "sess-ill"

  7. Weird Dave1:00 AM EDT

    I'm sure you've seen this.

    I'm just wondering if you're laughing about it or screaming about it (me, I'd be screaming).

  8. I was just informed that Doghouse has passed away. I'm going to miss him a great deal.

  9. Longtime Reader11:22 AM EDT

    RIP, Doghouse. We need more like you in Indiana.

  10. You will be greatly missed, Mr. Riley.

  11. Fucking hell, Riley. You were goddamn indispensable.

  12. my sympathies to the family - Doghouse wrote as a person who was engaged with the world around him, and I'm sure you will miss his presence very much

  13. Weird Dave1:29 AM EDT

    This is horrible, horrible news.

    My heartfelt condolences to Ms. Riley and all your extended family.

    Dog, you will be missed.

  14. chrome agnomen1:41 AM EDT

    keep em honest in the next place...

  15. R. Porrofatto7:23 AM EDT

    Sincere condolences from a stranger on the Internet, who stopped here every day to be entertained, informed, and awed by the wonderful mind of this brilliant writer.

    Don't know what else to say. I'm shocked and saddened by our loss. I'll miss him and his glorious sense of humor more than I care to admit. Bye, Doghouse.

  16. My sincerest condolences to the family.

    I didn't often comment here, but I lurked here quite often!
    I'd catch up on what he wrote in the past week, over the weekend.

    Oh, what a fine man and blogger Doghouse was!

    Ya done good!
    And you will be sorely missed!!!!!

  17. My sincerest condolences to the family.

    I didn't often comment here, but I lurked here quite often!
    I'd catch up on what he wrote in the past week, over the weekend.

    Oh, what a fine man and blogger Doghouse was!

    Ya done good!
    And you will be sorely missed!!!!!

  18. Anonymous8:36 AM EDT

    Wow. Am I depressed because you were an uplift to my day. Condolences to your family.

  19. How sad. I'll miss his writing very much. Sincere sympathies to his family.

  20. I too am an internet stranger who is deeply saddened by the loss of Doghouse. I read this blog daily for his humor, sanity, intelligence, breadth of knowledge, and passion, but mostly for his words. His use of language was astounding.

    My sincerest sympathies to his "Poor Wife" and his family.

    Give 'em hell, Riley, wherever you are!

  21. Anonymous10:12 AM EDT

    Another frequent lurker offering sincerest condolences to all who knew and loved him. His observations and the way he phrased them were an indispensable part of our day, and leave a hole here that won't be filled, though I imagine he's doing a similarly excellent job in the Great Hereafter.

  22. Anonymous10:33 AM EDT

    R.I.P., Mr. Case.

    I hope his family knows how much all of us readers liked and respected him.

  23. Doghouse was an example of people one meets on the internet while never really meeting, learns about them while never really knowing them, and who engenders more feeling and respect than those we may actually meet and learn about.

    RIP, Mr. Riley, and sincere condolences to your family.

  24. Ah hell.

    My sympatphies to his wife and family.

  25. whetstone11:14 AM EDT

    RIP, DR, and my condolences to his family. I'll miss his extraordinary writing immensely.

  26. Julia Grey11:58 AM EDT

    Goodbye, Doug Case. 59? Far, far too soon.

    I loved your passion and humor, not to mention your verbal gymnastics. They were like Cirque de Soleil for Logophiles.

    You were a shining example of independent blogging, and I hope this stays up a while to show the kids how it should be done.

  27. Robert M.11:59 AM EDT

    One more set of sincere condolences to add to the growing list. My days will be slightly poorer without his perspective and style.

  28. Anonymous12:53 PM EDT

    R.I.P, Mr. Riley. You were one of the very writers who could make me laugh out loud.

  29. I didn't comment here often, because DR usually said everything that needed to be said. The Internet is a poorer and smaller place today. My sincere condolences to his Poor Wife.

  30. Anonymous2:14 PM EDT

    I felt he was a friend even though we had never spoken or probably been within a hundred miles of each other. He was a delight to read and will be missed by all his kindred spirits on the other side of computer screen.

  31. Anonymous2:14 PM EDT

    I felt he was a friend even though we had never spoken or probably been within a hundred miles of each other. He was a delight to read and will be missed by all his kindred spirits on the other side of computer screen.

  32. Please accept my sincere condolences.
    Your husband was a terrific voice in a growing wilderness.

  33. The closest thing we had to Flann O'Brien, a terrific mind, a delightful sense of humor - I wish I could've said thank you...

  34. Anonymous4:31 PM EDT

    Pouring out a bottle of moonshine... best wishes to Poor Wife and family.

  35. I really can't fathom it. Doghouse was a genius with words; he knew history, wine, food...He was a Renaissance man, and now he's gone.

    In his own words: th'fuck?

    He was an intelligent voice in a vast wasteland of ignorance and stupidity; a voice that kept me relatively "sane" for the last 6-8 years.

    Only fitting, and I hope of some solace to his "poor wife, " that his last post was entitled "Fun With Monogamy."

    He loved you and we loved him.

    "Good night sweet prince:
    And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"

  36. Those of us who scribble about politics marveled at how clearly he articulated outrages that often left the rest of us stammering in frustration. We won't get more of that good stuff from him, alas, but we'll always have his example to try and live up to. At least I know I will.

  37. Damn, this is really a loss of a great writer and political observer. My condolences to his family and those who were close to him.

  38. Suck, suck, suck!!

    If ever there were anyone on the Internet who deserved to be known beyond the blog-o-sphere it was Doghouse, but no such luck.

    Sympathies to all who knew him in meatspace. He'll be missed.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. He always chided me (but gently, and politely) when I'd praise him on our blog, but perhaps just this once he'd forgive an offense to his modesty and permit me to say that as a writer, as a wit (hell, as a human being) he was one of my heroes.

    Rest in peace, Mr. Case. I will miss your voice enormously.

  41. Doghouse was Charles Pierce's go-to guy on Indiana politics, which is saying something, brother. You want to know what's wrong with teevee (as he would put it) news? Doghouse Reilly was never on "Meet the Press."

  42. Anonymous6:28 PM EDT

    Condolences to the family. His blog has been a regular stop since I first discovered him several years ago. Would that we could have had him another half-century.


  43. Anonymous7:25 PM EDT

    Condolences to the family. I will miss his wit and insights.

  44. Add my condolences, too. I've been enjoying his ways with words for a long time, and I will miss him sorely.

  45. Whenever Doghouse "liked' a comment I made somewhere I felt a couple of inches taller. When I saw his comments I always read them eagerly and they were never long enough. Great heart and wonderful mind, lined up just exactly right, to the edification of all of us who loved to read his work. I'm grateful to have found this irreplaceable voice.

  46. Terrible to hear about the passing of Doghouse. I loved reading him.

    His old site design also had pictures of cultural figures so close to my own taste that I felt we were kin before even reading a word.

    Very great condolences to his wife and family.

    Rest in righteousness, Douglas Case.

  47. chrisanthemama11:16 PM EDT

    Daily reader, never commented, always wowed by Doghouse's thoughts and words. Condolences to His Poor Wife and family.

  48. Mararama11:24 PM EDT

    What a sad and shocking loss. Gone too soon, and he will be sorely missed.

  49. I loved reading Doghouse, he will obviously be painfully missed. My condolences to his friends and family, who I assume are also impossibly caustic, urbane and witty. The blog world flies its flag at half mast.

  50. My condolences to Doghouse's family and friends.

    I have enjoyed reading Doghouse here and over at Alicublog for years, and like kia above, I always felt honored when he 'liked' one of my comments.

    Rest in peace my friend.

  51. Intelligent wit and humor are our best tools (I won't say weapons) in a struggle against ignorance, fear and greed. A champion has been taken from the struggle far too soon.

    Big empty space.

  52. My condolences to Ms Riley (I'll always think of him as doghouse). Your husband is a wonderful writer and is missed.

  53. Christian4:44 AM EDT

    Just read the sad news, and came to offer my condolences to the family. He was a fantastic writer, just compulsively readable.

  54. Two communities--the blogosphere and the state of Indiana--have become lesser. Doghouse was a hell of a guy, and he will not be forgotten.

  55. Although I only knew him through reading his blog, I feel like "alicublog." So very sad to hear the news of his passing. I loved reading his blog (and it could be quite a challenge because of the colorful way he wrote!) and my sympathy to all who loved him personally.

  56. I was shocked to read, at Edroso's, that Doghouse has passed away. He was a truly great blogger, because he had a great, incisive mind. I hope Mrs. Riley can put together a book of his great blog work. He will be sorely missed! So sorry.

  57. Very sad to hear the news of Doghouse Riley's passing. You will be missed.

  58. Any friend of Charlie Pierce...condolences.

  59. This sucks. And right in the middle of an education scandal in Indiana. Totally unfair. I hope you died on your bike. You will be missed.

  60. Al Swearengen1:52 PM EDT

    RIP Doug.

    You will be missed. A sad day for all.

  61. My deepest condolences to Mr. Case's loved ones...I only knew his blogging, and he truly was great: he got me interested in Indiana Politics (and provided heads ups as they entered the national stage), was a ruthless critic of Conservative Movement punditry, and a joy to read: funny, intelligent, sad. I want to know more about the man: anything on his background? the obit that Alicublog links to doesn't tell us much...Was he a writer? (I mean, besides the blog..)
    Educator? I feel like I've lost an old friend...

  62. Augustus Mulliner3:11 PM EDT

    Doug just regularly left me gasping in laughter or admiration, frequently both at the same time. Nobody like him. Such a loss.

  63. Marion in Savannah3:13 PM EDT

    I'll miss Doghouse. Sincere condolences to his "Poor Wife." We've lost an important voice, and the intarwebz toobz are less for his passing.

  64. My deepest sympathy to the family, so sorry, Doug Case was a fine writer and commentator he will be missed.

  65. Charliebitmyfinger4:36 PM EDT

    A a longtime reader, I don't know how many times I'd read Bats left Throws right and think, "Praise FSM that dude can sure turn a phrase, one after the other". I'm so happy to have discovered this blog and so sorry to see Doghouse go. Deepest condolences to "the poor wife"

  66. I think it is fitting that his last post was part of the Fun With Monogamy series. A tribute to his most loyal supporter. I truly hope that his final words on earth were "th'fuck?"

  67. Good Night, Sweet Prince. The world is the lesser for your loss.

  68. Anonymous7:42 PM EDT

    So so sorry. Just came by to see if Doghouse had posted something new, then found this. He was part of my daily routine, and I, among many, will miss him. Condolances to his poor wife.

  69. Anonymous10:37 PM EDT

    sorry. condolences. this blog was a oasis for the hoosiers like me who don't drink the kool-aid.

  70. onos! so goes the wittiest blog this side of Esquire.

  71. Anonymous9:36 AM EDT

    Came to see what D had to say about Tony Bennett ("not the singer"), and learned the sad news. We will miss him-- every day.

  72. RIP I am devastated. We will miss you

  73. Indiana can't afford the loss. Who else will keep an eye on the plagiarizing anti-intellectual Bantam Menace and school "reform" and all the depressing right wing absurdities and manage to be utterly hilarious and smart about it all? I hope his loved ones take some comfort in knowing how widely respected and appreciated he was.

  74. Anonymous3:42 PM EDT

    One can picture Mr. Riley being extremely cutting to God about the state of Heaven.


  75. Th'fuck, Riley? I'm heartbroken. Doghouse was an unsurpassed writer, armed with knowledge, facts and wit. A rapier; all business and deadly. In dark times he brought a smile; in the midst of political hijinks he brought light, clarity and, again, wit. He was so fuckin' funny. It hurts me that I fear I will laugh that way again.

    Peace, my brother in spirit.

  76. Anonymous10:04 PM EDT

    Never commented. Caught up every Friday.
    M Riley rose to the top of my reads maybe six years ago.
    We were of the same generation and sensibilities; hell, our bicycle enthusiasm even dovetailed in time. I share the sentiments expressed re the writing and his poor wife. Mostly, though, I feel sorry for myself. I am less for the world's loss.

    - Jamie Cavanagh

  77. A good day, comment-wise, would get a Doghouse post maybe 6 or 7 comments (compare to Roy, who gets 100 per post, or Duncan, who gets 600). That small number is belied by the many comments here from people who (like me) read the man every day, or at least every day that he posted.

    He was a brother, a kindred soul. We are better citizens because of Doug Case, which I assume is what he was shooting for.

    Maybe one day we'll find out what he did before he became a blogger.

  78. Larkspur1:09 AM EDT

    I keep thinking that maybe I dreamed this and it's not really true. But it is. This hurts a lot, and it's going to hurt forever.

  79. Sorry for your loss. And ours.

  80. Doghouse has gone to Valhalla. A good guy, sadly missed

  81. Just read about this on an old post at Sadly, No and was caught unawares, such as when Joe Bageant died. It always sucks when our numbers are diminished and I hope that others notice my own passing when my time comes. RIP, Doghouse.

  82. I have been unable to find words for how Doghouse Riley's death made me feel, but that's why I always came here: to find right words. I will miss that for a long time to come.

  83. Ma'am, if you or your family need anything, you have only to call on me (

  84. Anonymous9:09 PM EDT

    I feel the same way "Jurassic pork". I had the pleasure of working with Joe Bageant for a few years. I'm not sure if he was aware of doghouse-In spirit guaranteed. They could rip a right winger to shreds.

  85. Anonymous7:33 PM EDT

    Jurassicpork is an old line ineffectual pseudoradical jerkoff; speaking the name of Doghouse Riley should cause his tongue to blacken and fall from him mouth.

    When I hear of his death I will chuckle knowingly, and thank God that America has become a better place for his passing.

    Doghouse I will miss; we will not see his like again.

  86. Another here who will miss him and his writing terribly. He was an inspiration as a person and a joy to read.

    Deepest condolences to his family.

  87. Anonymous11:09 PM EDT

    I keep stopping by, to see if maybe this was all a mistake. I guess it's real, dammit. We were the better for having known you, we're the worse without you. Never gave a damn for Indiana until I read you. Doghouse Riley is gone, and Cheney lives. Incontrovertible proof that there is nothing resembling an orderly plan. Godspeed, Sir, for all the damn good it does.

  88. Anonymous11:39 PM EDT

    I don't think I can convey the level of sadness I feel at never having posted here. I regret very much losing the chance to communicate with a truly wonderful writer, thinker, and voice crying out in the wilderness.
    Best wishes to all his family, with as much love and sincerity as a stranger on the internet can convey.

  89. ice weasel6:00 PM EST

    I miss you. Rest in peace. And thank you.

  90. Anonymous10:41 PM EST

    Just listening to Nick Drake and thinking about a man I never met.

  91. Weird Dave7:13 PM EDT

    Still miss you Dog.

  92. Yeah, I know. He's gone. We shall not see his like again, and all that maudlin crap he'd despise, and chew my ass about if he caught me feeling sorry for myself this way. I just wish there was a way to tell him that what he did, what he wrote, what he stood was worth it. Those who are not forgotten are not truly dead. Thank you, sensei, from the bottom of my heart. Good journey...

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  102. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, it's all still here? Anyone know how I can save it all in one clump?

    I'm torn, honestly, between angrysad that he's missed our current cockup, and sadangry that he skated before we got his take on the Recent Unpleasantness.

    You'd have loved the new shit, Sensei. Bush II was just the Beta test, if you can believe it; the actual product roll-out woulda blown your fuckin' mind. And where do you get off bailing early, anyway, you ill-tempered bastard? Our Current Sitch was custom-designed for you! How dare you die like that! You were supposed to stick around forever, or at least until I felt safe without training wheels. Shit, I miss you. We're not up to this, it's gotten beyond us all, we thought our Gramps had killed all the Nazis but now they run the government. Th' fuck are we supposed to do now?

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