Thursday, March 16


Quirky Cons [Jonah Goldberg 03/15 01:40 PM ]
Quirkiness is good. Quirkiness is valuable. Quirkiness is fun. Why, right now I'm wearing a very quirky hat.

I say Jonah has discovered those ironic trucker hats all the kids are wearin', and his is brown and orange, with white mesh side panels, and reads "Eat More Possum." My wife votes snood. Anybody else?


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM EST

    Do-rag. Because only a Jonah Goldberg would call it "a quirky hat."

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM EST

    I'm guessing it's a gimme cap that says "Beaver Patrol". Or, I suppose it could be a deerstalker.
    "Quirky" is a fine word, but when guys like Jonah use it, I just know they're being bitter because they can't say "queer" anymore, despite the fact that they never would have anyway.

    For the record: my verification word is "uuvuzla", which would also make an excellent slogan on a quirky hat.

  3. Anonymous11:35 AM EST

    It's his ass.

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM EST

    I think he's just spelled "jerk" wrong.

  5. Anonymous6:39 PM EST

    Full body condom. For OUR protection.

  6. Anonymous7:46 PM EST

    An army helmet. Just for fun.

  7. Anonymous10:32 PM EST

    I vote for a hennin.

  8. a hat just like minnie pearl used to wear on stage at the grand old opry -- with the price tag proudly dangling.

  9. Anonymous7:13 PM EST

    One of those helmuts with the beer cans on the sides and the little straw.(whatever they're called.) Only instead of beer, Yoo-hoo.

  10. Anonymous9:15 PM EST

    My "ironic trucker hat" says "PLOOF TRUCKING COMPANY." Only it's not ironic because a trucker gave it to me when I was working at a truck stop.

    I'm with you. His hat says "VON DUTCH." I hate him more.
