Monday, February 26

Beatniks Are Just Reverse Conformists Watch, Day 18257

"Mosh Pit Meets Sandbox", Times, February 25
I mean, don't today's much-discussed [sic] hipster parents notice that their claims to rebellious individuality are undercut by the fact that they are fascistically turning their children into miniature reproductions of their hipper-than-thou selves? Don't they observe that with their inevitable hummus snacks, their pastel-free wardrobes...

Oooh, you can just tell that last bit there came from the heart.


  1. Anonymous6:16 PM EST

    Only terrorists have pastel-free wardrobes. That's how you can spot them. the way, has anyone seen my white belt and shoes?

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM EST

    Dude. My family consists almost universally of fuckups, and *I* came out with fewer issues than Brooks has. Someone's gathering himself for a leap off of "My Domineering Mother And Wimpy Father Made Me Gay" cliff, you can tell.

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM EST

    He types "sandbox"; I see "catbox".

  4. I was wondering what you would say about this...
