Sunday, September 23

It's Official

AS of 5:51 EDT this morning: Michael Chertoff's gut isn't any more reliable than his head.


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM EDT

    Michael, what a fetching young lass you are. From careful perusal of your photo, I've determined that I love you, and if you marry me, I'll gladly support you in all your girlish endeavors.

    Can I take your bra off now? Y'know I can make you an American citizen just like that!

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM EDT

    Umm, pooka2,

    I think Sora Aoi could support YOU in all your, umm, endeavors.

    Certainly she could float you across the Sea of Japan...

  3. Are the postings here just going to get more and more cryptic? Or is there actually a link somewhere that hints at what's going on, and I'm (or my browser is) just missing it completely?

  4. Anonymous8:37 AM EDT

    I'm sorry, did you say something??

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM EDT

    Mr. Chertoff foretold summer terror from a perusal of his own bowels and... yes, was I saying something?

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM EDT

    That photo induces terror in me, but I guess I'm used to it by now...

  7. Woodrowfan,
    Is that you? Long time, no see!

    And Chertoff has successfully scared off all the terrorists since none attacked. My dog also successfully guards my house from rampaging elephants since no rampaging elephants attacked me this summer.
