Monday, February 4

They Started It, Ma.

JUST  like to mention that the only thing that would make the Giants victory last night sweeter is the revelation, two days from now, that they had been caught taping the Pats sideline during the regular season.


  1. Bwa-ha-ha!

    Or should I say: Indeed, heh!

    I actually tried to avoid the game, not making my way to the sports bar until well after the game...
    or so I thought.

    Should have remembered that seeing pregame bullshit in the late morning would only be followed by the actual game six hours later.

    In any case, I got to scare strangers with my sudden enthusiasm for the Giants.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM EST

    I live in Boston and many of my friends and I are glad it's over AND that the Pats lost. The constant hype was whole body numbing. There was no news on the news -- it was all Patriots, all the time with a minute for the weather.
    Of course, we don't say this sort of thing in public -- could lead to an early death.

  3. Brave lad!
    And sorry you guys had to witness Belichick up close and personal.
