Wednesday, May 28

But Seriously...

• Obama admits reference to Auschwitz was wrong

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama admitted on Tuesday he was wrong to say his uncle helped liberate the Nazis' Auschwitz concentration camp after Republicans said Soviet troops freed the camp.

Leaving aside the question of how one actually goes about constructing a sentence using a shovel and some children's blocks, the thing that astonished me--and seems to have gone unremarked elsewhere--is that there are Republicans who know the Soviet Union fought against the Nazis.

• Politico Exclusive: McClellan whacks Bush, White House

By Mike Allen

Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a surprisingly scathing memoir to be published next week that President Bush “veered terribly off course,” was not “open and forthright on Iraq,” and took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.

Next week, Mike Allen is shocked to learn that Mike Allen planted Vandalgate stories for the nascent Bush administration.

• McCain edges away from Bush but seeks his help

By Tim Gaynor

...The Arizona senator said in a speech that he would pursue nuclear arms reduction talks with Russia and China as part of a foreign policy vision that brings back "broad-minded internationalism and determined diplomacy."

"It is a vision not of the United States acting alone, but building and participating in a community of nations all drawn together in this vital common purpose. It is a vision of a responsible America, dedicated to an enduring peace based on freedom," McCain said.

So, correct me if I'm wrong, Senator, but didn't you vote to ignore all that in the first place?

• Oral is Normal

By William Saletan

Every day, thousands of parents sit down with their children to talk about the facts of life. They want their kids to know how babies are made, how serious sex is, and how to protect themselves. For most of us, the topic is awkward enough without getting into advanced stuff. That's why the coverage of President Clinton's blow jobs felt like such a cultural assault. We just want to stick to the basics.

So keep it simple. No vaginal intercourse until you're married, and no fellatio until you get a job as a journalist.


  1. Shorter Scotty: Sure, I used to be a whore, but that was the only way to hide my virginity!

  2. we want to stick to the basics. That's so touching. How does his wife feel about it?


  3. Anonymous12:22 PM EDT

    Makes me think of 'Monica' Stahl and Scalia. She needed kneepads for that interview.

  4. Anonymous2:13 PM EDT

    The Normalization Of Oral Sex.

    You mean, it wasn't?

  5. Anonymous8:01 PM EDT

    So keep it simple. No vaginal intercourse until you're married, and no fellatio until you get a job as a journalist.

    Stop that. It hurts to laugh right now.

  6. Anonymous10:12 PM EDT

    Every day, thousands of parents sit down with their children to talk about the facts of life.

    Look, anyone who is still calling it "the facts of life" long after that phrase was used as the title for an all-girl tweener sitcom in the 1980s is just a tad uptight.

  7. Anonymous12:31 AM EDT

    Democrat Barack Obama admitted on Tuesday he was wrong to say...

    No, he wasn't wrong to say it. He just said it wrong. The point was still valid.

    A small thing, perhaps, but I feel it needs saying.

  8. I'm a blogger, can I get at least a handjob?
