Monday, November 17

Good News/ Even Worse News

Post-Election Product Roll-Outs Of The Week, courtesy Indianapolis Racist Star:

President? No thanks, Daniels says

Post-election chatter that Gov. Mitch Daniels could lead the national party back to the White House in 2012 hasn't changed Daniels' stance that governor is the only position he's interested in.

"How many ways are there to say no?" Daniels asked reporters this past week while in Washington to accept an award from Governing magazine for his achievements as governor. "We've just been hired for a job we're very serious about. We have a lot left to do. That will have our full attention."

GOP strategist Ed Rollins has predicted the Republican standard-bearer for 2012 will be one of the nation's governors, and he singled out Daniels as one of his favorites.

Wow, Ed Rollins fearlessly predicts the next Republican nominee will be a governor! It's like the old saying: if you need somebody to check a pulse, who better than a dead man?

Revenge? Not just yet

Sen. Evan Bayh thinks Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman should apologize for his attacks on President-elect Barack Obama during the presidential campaign but should keep his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

"We ought to maximize our chances of getting good things done for the American people rather than focus on score settling," Bayh told reporters last week....

Bayh said Lieberman's gavel can always be taken away in the future if he "behaves in ways that are hostile to the administration."
"Why not try reconciliation first and see if that can be made to work in a positive way?" Bayh asked. "We can always resort to revenge later."

Y'know, we take pride hereabouts in Indiana's contribution to humor: George Ade, Kin Hubbard, Johnny Appleseed, Don Herold, Eugene V. Debs, Will Cuppy, Herb Shriner, Kurt Vonnegut, Jean Shepherd, Dan Greenberg, Alvy Moore, David Letterman, Dan Quayle, Fuzzy Zoeller, and Jim Gaffigan, just to name all the ones I can think of, and yet none of these, to my way of thinking, could ever have invented Evan Bayh.

(Thanks to for the countdown clock. We loooove the internets!)


  1. Does Daniels always use the royal "we" or does that quote read oddly?

    As for Evan Almighty, I'm speechless.

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM EST

    "We can always resort to revenge later."

    Hey, written in Gaelic that's my family's motto. Back in the 9th or 10th century, it was considered quite progressive.
