Tuesday, April 12

Who Knew?

ITEM: Fukushima nuclear disaster raised to highest level on international scale. It turns out the highest point of the international scale is Level 7, known, variously, as "Major Accident", "Chernobyl", or "Uh-oh". At the same time, officials insisted that this in no way implies that the Fukushima accident is as serious as Chernobyl, thereby assuring the world community that Japanese officials are just like anyone else's.

I'll admit that when I read that I momentarily wondered why the scale only goes up to 7, before it dawned on me that you really don't need anything further. Also, a seven-point scale limits the number of times nuclear power shills have to rewrite their "We must not let hysterical overreaction to this accident interfere with the reasonable use of nuclear power, vigorously regulated" pieces. To seven. Or eight, since for some reason there's a Level 0.

I do wonder about the scale, and since it turns out the numbers can be assigned by just about anyone--plant operator, national panel, celebrity judges--I'm working on my own:

Level 0: Nope. We haven't heard anything unusual.

Level 1: Just a few dings. These babies are built to the highest safety standards and governed by strict regulations.

Level 2: The Level 1 Alert is now inoperative.

Level 3: The Level 2 Alert is now inoperative.

Level 4: Listen, the middle of a crisis is no time to be pointing fingers.

Level 5: With any luck this'll hold for a week.

And so on.

ITEM: Libyan stalemate putting stress on NATO alliance.

I think that's Level 3.

Y'know, somebody needs to explain to me how seeing ten fucking days into the future is too much to ask of the people we entrust with high explosives and blank checks.

Of course, that's not exactly what's happened here; we're just ten days further into things and the required miracle hasn't yet materialized.

ITEM: Budget deal won't cut military spending.

Well, in fairness, that's the 60% of the Federal budget we can afford.

So the Democrats vote against their constituencies, and it's the Republicans who are termed courageous.

We have two major political parties in this country. One of them, in my lifetime, has been led by: 1) an excessively solarized, anti-fluoridationist version of Herbert Hoover; 2) a raging paranoiac; 3) a guy who played football without a helmet; 4) a B-movie actor whose room-temperature IQ wasn't improved by terminal brain bubbles; 5) an effete East Coast Yalie whose impersonation of a Texas bidnessman was so pathetic it made the previous guy look competent; 6) a small-time, small-town Georgia courthouse lizard so slimy he still has to apologize to amphibians he meets; 7) Bob Dole; 8) the son of #5, a man whose own phony Texanism could be explained by the fact that it's the only state where he'd be judged mentally competent to hold a driver's license, in conjunction with possibly the most loathsome human on this side of the planet; 9) John McCain; 10) a brain-dead weekend weather reporter McCain raised to national prominence in one of his periodic fits of Fuck Youism; and 11) John Boehner.

And the other one not only manages to keep losing to them, but keeps telling itself it needs to be more like 'em. American Exceptionalism, indeed.

ITEM: Applebee's gets 15-month-old boy plastered. I'm always fascinated with how "It was a mistake" serves to explain any corporate PR disaster, from nuclear meltdown to serving margaritas to underage toddlers ("employees will be retrained" was one of the announced changes, presumably because someone forgot to salt the rim of the sippy cup). So far as I know, no one's bothered to ask Applebee's why a fully-mixed margarita would be hanging around in a storage container in the first place. Maybe all their drinks are pre-mixed. I don't know. Anybody got David Brooks' personal email?

The infant blowing a point-one-oh, and the subsequent explanation ("Accident") reminded me of last week's announced mix-up at a local medical testing concern, which mistakenly informed eight Hoosiers they'd tested positive for chlamydia ("Okay, but the good news is we first thought it was twenty-three").

I saw this story on two local channels, and both fell all over themselves assuring viewers it was just a mistake. ("Hello, honey? Well, it's a funny thing…When that lab said you gave me an STD it was just a mistake! So you can come home now. They forgot to clean it or something. I sewed all your suits back together.") Both stories interviewed the Vice President of the joint ("Very sensitive equipment. Gave it a good cleaning. Moved it to another room"); one of the two did bother, after that, to talk to a doctor who was a little perturbed that patients might have been told their lousy husbands gave 'em crabs, and who might now be looking for a little legal relief from anyone involved.

And nobody said "Aren't you supposed to've read the manual?"

And this is the sort of deference given to someone who doesn't buy teevee time.


  1. About Applebee's accidentally serving alcohol to a toddler, what a careless thing to do! They should be thankful that the child didn’t suffer serious harm from this incident. Clearly, the company’s policies and procedures relating to alcohol need to be closely examined, and the people responsible need to be fired!

  2. Maybe the Applebee's server was himself a survivor of an earlier Applebee's Sippy Cup Misadventure.

  3. It occurred to me this morning that Nixon's "Checkers" speech is the precise tone and content taken by the Republican party since 1960.

  4. Clearly a Japanese 7 is different than a Russian 7 on a "subjective" logarithmic scale, whatever the fuck that is.

    It reminds me of those news anchors who comment on every single science or math story with a weary head shake and falsely self-depreciating chuckle lamenting that, heh, it's difficult to understand this stuff because they themselves have trouble balancing their checkbooks. Arithmetic is hard, and how could anyone possibly know how that shit works?

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM EDT

    Oh, I missed the chlamydia segments. I call the local news the "live, local, late breaking" news in tribute to Detective John Munch of "Homicide - Life on the Street." Yes, yes, I know for you younguns he moved on to "Law and Order, SVU" but his contempt for the local news was priceless. Pretty similar to mine...and yours too Riley from what I can ascertain. And by the way, I did like "Homicide." But I digress.

  6. New "Stories" are a lot like Reality TV Shows. They have a small nugget of truth or reality somewhere, but most of their "stories" are fake.

  7. Grrr. NEWS stories, not new stories.

  8. "Maybe all their drinks are pre-mixed"

    For certain. Generally, the food is pre-made and the drinks are pre-mixed at any of these casual dining chains.

    I don't know what Applebee's is going to do, but Olive Garden apparently made the same mistake, by serving sangria to a child. In their case, they apparently switched to single-serving packages for kids. Juice boxes and such.

    It's not really that surprising. You have anonymous opaque pitchers of beverage substance in the back, and opaque child cups with sippy straws. And I've never worked at one of these places but it has got to be hell on earth for the waiters.
