Saturday, June 16

Battle Of The Brains


  1. Damn, Riley, I knew you were willing to cut a bitch if he acted stupid, but that was cold, brother! Thank you, tho; that was as close an approximation of a Obama/Bachmann debate as I'm ever likely to see...

    I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with to explain away the waves crashing on the porches of their beach homes...

  2. There is also a Krugman vs. Bobo debate going on at the NYT.

    Call it the undercard.


  3. You know, we should just let the American people vote on whether this exists or not, then go on from there. For we should realize by now that there's no truth like democracy.
    USA! USA! USA!

  4. Love that goatee. Lebowski-esque.

  5. At the same time these bozos are denying climate change they are taking out Fed Government Insurance against all possible damage to their property caused by hurricanes, rising sea levels, and so on.

  6. The Pentagon is a reasonably realistic entity. They take global climate change seriously.

  7. Anonymous7:01 PM EDT

    I'm still howling from "Absentee Governor and Retired Lawn Ornament"... Riley, you are a hoot!

  8. over at the Political Environment, Rowen put up a post saying that the cherry crop in Door County was nearly entirely destroyed by the early warm temps, which fooled the trees into budding early, then froze the buds.

    And of course, warming deniers showed up to say "nuh-uh! being warm is NICE! Normal variations! temperatures declined in 2003-2007, if you measure it a specific way!" and all the other usual FUD.

    In the face of actual, contemporaneous severe damage done right in their own backyard.

    George Carlin is amused.

  9. Anonymous10:38 AM EDT

    And that clown (the one in the necktie, if you can't figure out who I mean) is going to be my boss...

    When Dr. Cordova announced she was leaving, some bubba suggested that the Trustees find a "White, conservative, Midwetsern Male" to replace her.

    Looks like they got their wish...

  10. Time to start drinking Boilermakers, Purdue!
