Thursday, December 6

Thursday Olio: Seasonal Affective Disorder Edition

Disney's Copyright Lawyer Battalions have finally gone too far.

Pierce dispatches Douthat's amplified and clarified excuse for that Sunday piece of his. Which, as usual, is all that needs to be said about it. So let me add:

• Douthat:  "(For now, Megan McArdle’s extended post on the subject deserves your attention.) The second group agreed with Matt Yglesias…"

For cryin' out loud, these people have sex with each other more often than the Manson Family did.

• And how many times now has Douthat taken to his supernumerary, third-nipple posts to explain something he tried to say in the most valuable political opinion mall space in America? And failed both times? Because, as Charlie has pointed out whenever he bothers with Cardinal Douthat (his construction, which I'm totally stealing), the man won't tell the truth about anything. This country paid an enormous price for the phony Reagan Revolution, followed by the Gingrich Revolution, and the Cheney House Revolt doubling down on the Crazy. Are we gonna spend another decade paying for the "Ah, but there are reasonable religious maniacs and thoughtful corporate mouthpieces" horseshit that centrist plutocrats and Beltway insiders try to console themselves with? The Times should insist that every Douthat missive be about abortion. It's all he has to talk about anyway.

Wasn't Weigel supposed to be the ink-stained and diligent Post reporter who managed to get inside the Teabagger movement? Of course, he seemed to imagine, somehow, that it was a sui-generis, totally independent, totally fiscal-focused spontaneous political eruption, despite the fact that its astroturf roots were already exposed, and its connection to the obvious Birther Shit was, well, obvious.

Anyway, Dave's on top of the shocking story of how a couple of disruptive Teabagging nut cases got tossed from the House Budget Committee, and recommends you keep up with RedState for further developments. Meanwhile, a quote from Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, one of the two Holy Martyrs:
According to Amash, the party leaders were blaming the wrong people. They, not libertarian-leaning Republicans like him, were the ones who spent “$300 million on ads that didn’t work.”

Would this be a good time to remind you asshats that you got handed your hats, and your asses, in the Republican primaries, by committed "conservative" voters who had a smorgasbord of Crazy from which to select? And that that's why that $300 mil landed where it did?

Joe "Like Sixteen Hours Every Morning Isn't Enough of You" Scarborough, in something called Politico:
By meeting more regularly with the leader of the opposition, President Obama may also learn what Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich learned in the 1990s and what Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill learned in the 1980s: that American government works best when political opponents build personal relationships.

Y'know, not only is rightist Clinton Nostalgia touching, it's doubly so when it comes from someone who voted to impeach the guy. And not only might this country be better off today if Tip had sworn off the Scotch and The Gipper, and not only is this country better off because Bill Clinton gave Newt the Full Deliverance, but shut th' fuck up. Obama came to Boehner and the Republicans as a fucking supplicant in 2009. Were you following politics then, Joe? This time all he has to do is watch Boehner stew. If you want "leadership" from the President now, why didn't you call for it then?

Forget it Jake, it's Slate: "The Rise of the Hipster Hunter".


  1. Dear Cup O' Schmoe,
    At least all of Bill Clinton's interns are still amongst the living.
    Maybe stained and rumpled for a period of time, but none of them died in Bill's office under mysterious circumstances.
    Now, Schmoe, what was it you were saying?

  2. Anonymous12:02 PM EST

    No, Joe, American government works best when Democrats hold all three branches of government.

    Jeez, he makes it sound like getting a Democrat to compromise takes a skilled political operator.

  3. I can't completely explain it, but your blog's even more fun when I read it in Indiana, rather than in Oregon.

    Sort of like reading Finnegan's Wake in a pub in Dublin, versus a coffee shop in Portland, I guess.

  4. That photo: That was when Mickey learned that Minnie was fucking Goofy.

  5. Xjmueller9:03 PM EST

    That photo: That was when Mickey learned that Minnie was a Republican. She was fucking Goofy.


  6. Mickey must always have been moody off-screen. All that relentless cheerfulness for the children is bound to get to a guy.

    But I'd sure like to know the provenance of that photo. If that's a real Dis employee, bet he/she didn't keep the job long after the pic surfaced. The image of the Mouse is sacred.

  7. Anonymous12:09 PM EST

    "Teabagger movement? Of course, he seemed to imagine, somehow, that it was a sui-generis, totally independent, totally fiscal-focused spontaneous political eruption, despite the fact that its astroturf roots were already exposed, and its connection to the obvious Birther Shit was, well, obvious." BTW, in addition to all of that, here in Colorado, since around 2000, the City of Glendale (an enclave surrounded by the City of Denver) has been governed by the "Glendale Tea Party", with the same rhetoric, slogans and Astro-Turf roots as the "Teabagger" movements that "spontaneously arose" in 2009! I don't know if both were based on the same poorly mimeographed manuals but neither were "spontaneous".
