Friday, April 13

Oh, My Stars and Bars

Her date wore white.

I'm way overdue in tipping my hat to Erik Loomis at Alterdestiny and the redoubtable Robert Farley at LGM for their fine work in support of Treason in Support of Slavery Month. I meant to do so last week; my only defense is that I am badly in need of a haircut. I briefly considered swiping Erik's "Forgotten American" idea to feature a few historical repudiations of the whole Lost Cause business, and I thought about shining a brief spotlight on Shelby Foote, the charming, grandfatherly Nathan Bedford Forrest hagiographer from Ken Burns' Civil War. But it's been a good five years since I re-read his trilogy, and doing so again, even to cherry-pick a few Late Unpleasantness whoppers, was too great a demand. Foote's narrative is as sprightly as anything can be coursing over 2800 pages, but wherever it pauses the essence of magnolia can drive a grown man to his knees, gasping for air. One is again asked to believe that the war was fought over the right to secede, and left to wonder how the South managed to lose a war where it won all the battles. In quickly pulling the volumes off the shelf this morning I noted that in only the last--©1974--does "Slavery" make it into the index.

Instead we wish to promote Jacqueline Duty, seen above, as Confederate Heritage Cotillion Queen, 2007. Just four years ago the Russell, Kentucky, teen was prevented from "celebrating her Southern heritage" with that self-designed Confederate Battle Flag prom dress. In support of our proposal we remind the committee that Kentucky was a Union state, that it sent three times as many soldiers into the Union Army as the Slavery Defense League, and that, assuming Ms Duty can manage to trace her ancestry back to some genuine Confederate participation that represents four years out of a few hundred. Hers is just the sort of dedication which makes the defense of Southern Heritage what it is today. You cracker-asses.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM EDT

    "Ah have always depended on the stupidity of rednecks!"

    In Texas, we have Confederate Heroes' Day, which is a state holiday, usually about a week after MLK Day. I think many Southern states may have similarly situated holidays.

  2. I'm moving to Texas next year and teaching American history. I wonder how my Civil War take will be received?

  3. I'm way overdue in tipping my hat to Erik Loomis at Alterdestiny and the redoubtable Robert Farley at LGM for their fine work in support of Treason in Support of Slavery Month.

    Don't forget Dave Noon, also at LGM, who has been doing some fine work on TIDOS month.

    Poor Jacqueline Duty...her terrible treatment just makes me want to cry. Really it does.

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM EDT

    my Grandmother was a Forrest. We used to sing a song:
    Jeff Davis rode a big white horse
    And Lincoln rode a mule
    Jeff Davis was a President
    And Lincoln was a fool

    I have done many a' thing of which she would not have approved. But, I think the only thing for which she would not forgive me is the fact that I consider Sherman one of the greatest Americans, EVER. If as they say, The South Shall Rise Again, I say, kill it the second time. This time, Stake-Through-the-Heart action.
    Oh yeah, I am from Teeeeeeexas.

    Plinths plinths plinths plinths (sung to the tune of Monty Python's "Spam")

  5. Anonymous9:50 PM EDT

    I live about 10 miles from the birthplace of William Tecumseh Sherman. Every time I fly through Atlanta, I feel a strange compulsion to announce this to complete strangers. So far, I have resisted the urge.

  6. Anonymous8:19 AM EDT

    Cannot help but point out the Nissan Quest behind Miss Confederate Heritage.

    Confederates don't buy American?

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM EDT

    Yanks think they won the war, but it looks like no one really won given that over 620K Americans died, most of them from above Mason-Dixon. Yanks also have convinced themselves that they stand on a higher moral ground than southerners, but of course it is bullshit since NH, VT, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MA, RI had slavery. OH, IL, IN, and WI also tried to keep the North white. And KY was one border slave state that stayed in the Union only because of leverage. A lot of Americans died at Perryville - read your history.

    The following cities have recently tried to stop racial integration of their communities and schools: Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit.

    Can you say lying two-faced yankee scum? I can and do all the time. And you should be careful about what you say around rednecks as you might get knocked on your yellow ass as would serve you right. Oh, and I'm going to fly the Stars and Bars this month and there's nothing you can do about it. Cheers!

  8. Anonymous3:36 PM EDT

    "Can you say lying two-faced yankee scum? I can and do all the time."

    Hey, me too Jethro! Of course I'm always using it to reference your President and his treasonous criminal administration so I reckon our respective targets are somewhat different. No matter, it's the thought that counts.

    You fly that flag son! I bet it makes you feel real special.

  9. Anonymous7:50 PM EDT

    Can you say lying two-faced yankee scum? I can and do all the time.

    And it can't be easy, given how difficult it is to produce sibilants when your two front teeth are missing. But I'm glad to see that you're not thrown off by the sniggering that inevitably follows a lusty denuciation of "[T]wo-faced yankee thcum!"

    And you should be careful about what you say around rednecks as you might get knocked on your yellow ass as would serve you right.

    If the "yellow ass," fits, Mr. Anonymous...

  10. Anonymous9:19 AM EDT

    Erik L, don't worry, the main battle that you'll be fighting is against teenage apathy. My son just told me that he has "junioritis". I guess the disease is starting earlier now.

  11. Anonymous12:04 PM EDT

    "I'm always using it to reference your President"

    did you come out of the queen's vagina? you certainly are using her english...

    "You fly that flag son!"

    daddy, is that you?

    "I bet it makes you feel real special."

    it does indeed but only proportional to the number of idiots that try and condemn the South and its heritage . gotta run, got slaves to feed you know

  12. Lesee: Cowardly Yankees (like me, 15 years in the Army, OIF-1, gov't paid trips (note the plural) to Korea, and all like that, who post with identifiable; at least through public continiuty, vs. bluster and bullshit from "anonymous"; who declaims himself a proud (though unknown) son of the south.

    Here's the deal... The South lost.

    Plain and simple, the CSA is passing no laws, collecting no taxes, printing no money, treating with no other nations, and fails to do any of the other things a Gov't does.

    Further, to take your "points" to heart, that more Northerners died to win the war says a lot about the dedication and bravery of the North, since one would think that bearing the brunt of the butcher's bill would have been persuasive in convincing the North to stop shedding blood.

    Perhaps the morality of the struggle (which was, at least, as much about slavery; read the Constitution of the CSA, or just look at the fact that the secession happened; not when the rights of states were trampled, but when someone they didn't like was elected, but before he took office) made it possible to take that kind of loss.

    Rebellion, on that scale, is treason. It was treasonous in 1776, and in 1860. It would be treason today. The difference in the latter case is that the traitors lost.

    You want to praise treason? It's your right. I don't, and won't.

    It's also my right to laugh, mock, deride and scorn those who so praise treason.

    It's also my right to defend myself against those who try to hurt me for exercising that right.

    And I'm not afraid to link my name to any of that.

  13. Anonymous4:51 PM EDT

    "Here's the deal... The South lost.

    Plain and simple, the CSA is passing no laws, collecting no taxes, printing no money, treating with no other nations, and fails to do any of the other things a Gov't does."

    Yet so many, like this blogger, seem to remain threatened by the South, and they prefer to nervously poke fun as if they don't want the divisions to end. And those 13 southern states along with its people are still here, still maintaining a unique culture, and continuing to be the best of American citizens through their capacity to put their country before themselves, but for what? So knucklheads can poke fun? I will not stand for that.

    "Further, to take your "points" to heart, that more Northerners died to win the war says a lot about the dedication and bravery of the North, since one would think that bearing the brunt of the butcher's bill would have been persuasive in convincing the North to stop shedding blood."

    I would never take anything away from the bravery of those who died fighting in what they believed in, and I, shockingly, expect the same treatment when referring my ancestors and my region of the country.

    "It's also my right to laugh, mock, deride and scorn those who so praise treason."

    Absolutely, but do so at your own risk when its intent is to deride your fellow countrymen who.

    "It's also my right to defend myself against those who try to hurt me for exercising that right."

    Exactly, and I would like to take the same approach to those who want me, an American from the South, to feel like a second class citizen. My ancestors were no less racist than those in the Union army, and therefore, my conscience is no more bothered than yours. And I won't let you make me feel otherwise.

    Oh, and you can call me Jim.
