Thursday, April 12

Thank God That's Finally Settled

Oh, and thanks again, Salon.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM EDT

    I can't figure why they continue to feature her, or why Slate continues to feature Chris Hitchens. Do they really think this somehow represents some kind of - what - "balance"? Between what, the Sane and the Not Sane?

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM EDT

    Cam Pag reminds me of, and she'd love this analogy, some sort of mythological harpy .

    One that seems hell bent on sodomizing any real thought processes.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM EDT

    READ SEXUAL PERSONAE! It's ALL THERE! You just need the Paglia decoder ring!

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM EDT

    ".. why she's a global warming skeptic"
    She is a global warming skeptic because she is an assklown. Let me hazard a guess that she doesn't offer this explanation, because the key to being an assklown is not to recognize that one is an assklown.
    A simple test for assklownery:
    Do you possess any of the following?
    Round earth skepticism?
    Heliocentric skepticism?
    Warming planet skepticism?
    You are an assklown.

  5. Answer: because she fucking hates Al Gore.

    Now nobody has to read it.
