Tuesday, December 28


WORLD O' Crap, which is directly responsible for the existence of this blog, but does really good work otherwise, can presently be found at that link, and not the one on my blogroll which I'll get around to correcting with my usual alacrity.


StringonaStick said...

Thanks for the assist!

Rugosa said...

Yes, thanks, Doghouse. I was lost, but now I'm found . . .

Larkspur said...

"Alacrity" sounds funny to me, like something you'd trip over, although it could represent a pleasant surprise.

"Doghouse" is just all-around good.

heydave said...

Posting this news on a "blog," as the kids call them, is probably more effective than remarking upon this to the people you meet on the bus!

I shall remember that.

Poicephalus said...

Indianapolis ain't all bad


bwo Tom Levinson