Friday, January 4


CHRIS Christie is not a nationally-elected official, an oversight on the part of God and Republican primary voters, many of whom take their marching from God's Own Crystal Set. Peter King is a locally-elected terrorist sympathizer who does have national responsibilities, due to the short-sightedness of the Founding Fathers and whatever's in the water in Amityville.

They are, presumably, grown and educated men, and as such, presumably, are familiar with such concepts as similitude, disaster, and compassion. It should not take until Christie's fiftieth birthday and the distinct aroma of his own lard roasting for him to come to terms with the idea of society rescuing its citizens in need, the same way it should not have taken Randian Superbrain Mitch Daniels sixty-two years to decide just which side of anti-trades-union legislation he was on (nor, even, the five years it took him to realize he'd changed his mind).

As for King, well, fuck him.

Faced with such circumstances we can decide on one of two explanations: either the conversion took place legitimately, in which case you have someone who' been completely oblivious at the top of his lungs for most of his adult life, and who still collects public funds. Or it's bullshit.

Oh, I know, I'm supposed to cut Christie some slack because he snapped at Fox and Friends.As far as I'm concerned that's like giving the Good Driver Award to everyone who stops at a red light.

Listen, shuttling Sandy relief onto the next Congress wasn't even the wingnuttiest thing Boehner had to do that day. That's your party. Those are your people. And while they may be clinically certifiable en masse they are not, that's N-O-T, doing anything outside the GOP norm.

I'll take my Boehner schadenfreude steaming, thank you. You eat the shit that's on your plate.

And, Governor? If someone living on the seacoast deserves immediate government attention after a hurricane, what of a child born into poverty in Mississippi? What of someone too ill or weak to be a cog in someone else's profit machine? How bout the sick or the elderly? They don't have special circumstances requiring assistance; they have everyday circumstances requiring assistance. Which should be provided them--and should continue to be provided them, in perpetuity--by their fellow citizens. Despite your party. And it shouldn't have taken you this long to realize it.


mileslarboy said...

Ulysses said...

Great post! I always love your stuff, Doghouse Riley. :)

prairie curmudgeon said...

Why yes, to prove further our insanity, lets bail out all those who love to tempt their fate and our lassitude by rebuilding at the edge of rising seas on the Joizy Shore.

heydave said...

I come out of commenting retirement to say "fucking A!"

heydave said...

I come out of commenting retirement to say "fucking A!"

heydave said...

and thus we see why I should go back...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Oh, I know, I'm supposed to cut Christie some slack because he snapped at Fox and Friends.As far as I'm concerned that's like giving the Good Driver Award to everyone who stops at a red light.

Exactly. To hell with Christie.

Anonymous said...

That last paragraph is golden. Probably some lost soul uttered something similar at 2 a.m. on the House Floor when even the C-span cameras have gone home, however. God forbid the thought should be given a wide audience.
