I don't take many pictures of roses, since they're a paradigm of beauty and you're supposed to look at the picture and say, "Isn't that beautiful," and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the photo itself. But here's Karen Blixen anyway. She's not our most beautiful rose (that's the chronically underperforming Elmhurst), but she is the most stunning, because while classified as a hybrid Tea (that's your classic, long-stemmed florist's rose) she sometimes produces clusters of flowers, as here. Just look and the picture and go, "Ooooh," already.
They look like icing roses on a wedding cake. Ooooh.
ooooh, already.
Nice picture, beautiful flower. I would have roses if I could. In my mind's eye, I've always seen myself absent-mindedly tending my roses, lost in thought and time.
If I tried to grow something like that, I'd probably kill it.
I want to paint those roses... and I haven't painted in years. They are.
Very cute roses, but not as cute as my West Highland Terrier.
PS I've got some roses growing here right outside the front door of our house, which was actually named "Glenstone Cottage" by the original owners and has a little brass plaque from 1926 with that name on it... but my roses haven't bloomed yet. Am I doing something wrong?
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